A pulser pump is a gas lift
device that uses gravity to pump water to a higher elevation. It has no moving
A pulser pump makes use of water that flows through pipes
and an air chamber from an upper reservoir to a lower reservoir. The intake is
a trompe, which
uses water flow to pump air to a separation chamber; air trapped in the chamber
then drives an airlift pump. The top of the pipe that connects the
upper reservoir to the air chamber is positioned just below the water surface.
As the water drops down the pipe, air is sucked down with it. The air forms a
"bubble" near the roof of the air chamber. A narrow riser pipe
extends from the air chamber up to the higher elevation to which the water will
be pumped.
Initially the water level will be near the roof of the air
chamber. As air accumulates, pressure builds, which will push water up into the
riser pipe. At some point the "air bubble" will extend below the
bottom of the riser pipe, which will allow some of the air to escape through
the riser, pushing the water that is already in the pipe up with it. As the air
escapes, the water level in the air chamber will rise again. The alternating
pressure build up and escape causes a pulsing effect, hence the name: pulser
The maximum air pressure that can accumulate depends on the
height of the water column between the air chamber and the lower reservoir. The
deeper the air chamber is positioned, the higher the elevation to which the
water can be pumped. The depth of the air chamber position is limited by the
depth to which the flowing water can pull the air from the surface of the upper
reservoir down to the chamber. This depth partially depends on the speed of the
water, which in turn depends on the difference in height between the upper and
lower reservoir.
Brian White, stonemason by profession, claims to have
invented the pulser pump in 1987. He put the idea in the public domain.
However, Charles H. Taylor invented the hydraulic air
compressor before the year 1910 while living in Montreal. The working
principle of the hydraulic air compressor and the pulser pump is exactly the
same. But the purpose of the compressor is to generate compressed air.
Expelling the water up to 30 meter high serves to prevent potentially damaging
over-pressure. The primary purpose of the pulser pump is to use the air
pressure to expel the water to a higher elevation.
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