The environmental impact of
electricity generation is significant because modern society uses large
amounts of electrical power. This power is normally generated at power
plants that convert some other kind of energy into electrical power. Each
system has advantages and disadvantages, but many of them pose environmental
Water usage
The amount of water usage is often
of great concern for electricity generating systems as populations increase and
droughts become a concern. Still, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, thermoelectric power
generation accounts for only 3.3 percent of net freshwater consumption with
over 80 percent going to irrigation. Likely future trends in water consumption are
covered here. General numbers for fresh water usage of different power sources
are shown below.
Water usage (gal/MW-h)
Power source
Low case
Medium/Average case
High case
400 (once-through cooling)
400 to 720 (pond cooling)
720 (cooling towers)
100 (once-through cycle)
180 (with cooling towers)
Solar photovoltaic
Steam-cycle plants (nuclear, coal,
NG, solar thermal) require a great deal of water for cooling, to remove the
heat at the steam condensors. The amount of water needed relative to plant
output will be reduced with increasing boiler
temperatures. Coal- and gas-fired boilers can produce high steam temperatures
and so are more efficient, and require less cooling water relative to output.
Nuclear boilers are limited in steam temperature by material constraints, and
solar is limited by concentration of the energy source.
Thermal cycle plants near the
ocean have the option of using seawater. Such a site will not have cooling towers and will
be much less limited by environmental concerns of the discharge temperature
since dumping heat will have very little effect on water temperatures. This
will also not deplete the water available for other uses. Nuclear power in Japan for instance, uses no
cooling towers at all because all plants are located on the coast. If dry
cooling systems are used, significant water from the water table will not be
used. Other, more novel, cooling solutions exist, such as sewage cooling at the
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating
Hydroelectricity's main cause of
water usage is both evaporation and seepage into the water table.
Reference: Nuclear Energy Institute factsheet
using EPRI data and other sources.hOE
Source(s): Adapted from US
Department Of Energy, Energy Demand on Water Resources. Report to Congress on
the Interdependence of Energy and Water, December 2006 (except where noted).
*Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) estimate. #Educated estimate.
Water Requirements for Existing and Emerging Thermoelectric Plant Technologies. US Department Of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, August 2008.
Note(s): 3.6 GJ = gigajoule(s) == 1 MW·h = megawatt-hour(s), thus 1 L/GJ = 3.6 L/MW·h. B = Black coal (supercritical)-(new subcritical), Br = Brown coal (new subcritical), H = Hard coal, L = Lignite, cc = combined cycle, oc = open cycle, TL = low-temperature/closed-circuit (geothermal doublet), TH = high-temperature/open-circuit.
*Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) estimate. #Educated estimate.
Water Requirements for Existing and Emerging Thermoelectric Plant Technologies. US Department Of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, August 2008.
Note(s): 3.6 GJ = gigajoule(s) == 1 MW·h = megawatt-hour(s), thus 1 L/GJ = 3.6 L/MW·h. B = Black coal (supercritical)-(new subcritical), Br = Brown coal (new subcritical), H = Hard coal, L = Lignite, cc = combined cycle, oc = open cycle, TL = low-temperature/closed-circuit (geothermal doublet), TH = high-temperature/open-circuit.
Fossil fuels
Most electricity today is
generated by burning fossil fuels and producing steam which is then
used to drive a steam turbine that, in turn, drives an electrical generator.
Such systems allow electricity to
be generated where it is needed, since fossil fuels can readily be transported.
They also take advantage of a large infrastructure designed to support consumer
The world's supply of fossil fuels is large, but finite. Exhaustion of low-cost
fossil fuels will have significant consequences for energy sources as well as
for the manufacture of plastics and many other things. Various estimates have been
calculated for exactly when it will be exhausted (see Peak oil).
New sources of fossil fuels keep being discovered, although the rate of
discovery is slowing while the difficulty of extraction simultaneously
More serious are concerns about
the emissions that result from fossil fuel burning.
Fossil fuels constitute a significant repository of carbon buried deep
underground. Burning them results in the conversion of this carbon to carbon
dioxide, which is then released into the atmosphere. The estimated CO2
emission from the world's electrical power industry is 10 billion tonnes
This results in an increase in the Earth's levels of atmospheric carbon
dioxide, which enhances the greenhouse
effect and contributes to global
warming. The linkage between increased carbon dioxide and global warming is
well accepted, though fossil-fuel producers vigorously contest these findings.
Flue-gas stacks at Ekibastuz
GRES-1 Power Plant in Ekibastus, Kazakhstan are 330 meters tall
Depending on the particular fossil
fuel and the method of burning, other emissions may be produced as well. Ozone, sulfur
dioxide, NO2 and other gases are often released,
as well as particulate matter. Sulfur and
nitrogen oxides contribute to smog and acid rain. In the past, plant owners addressed this
problem by building very tall flue-gas
stacks, so that the pollutants would be diluted in the atmosphere. While
this helps reduce local contamination, it does not help at all with global
Fossil fuels, particularly coal, also contain
dilute radioactive
material, and burning them in very large quantities releases this material into
the environment, leading to low levels of local and global radioactive contamination, the levels of
which are, ironically, higher than a nuclear power station as their radioactive
contaminants are controlled and stored.
Coal also contains traces of toxic
heavy elements such as mercury, arsenic and
others. Mercury vaporized in a power plant's boiler may stay
suspended in the atmosphere and circulate around the world. While a substantial
inventory of mercury exists in the environment, as other man-made emissions of
mercury become better controlled, power plant emissions become a significant
fraction of the remaining emissions. Power plant emissions of mercury in the
United States are thought to be about 50 tons per year in 2003, and several
hundred tons per year in China. Power plant designers can
fit equipment to power stations to reduce emissions.
According to Environment Canada:
"The electricity sector is
unique among industrial sectors in its very large contribution to emissions
associated with nearly all air issues. Electricity generation produces a large
share of Canadian nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions, which contribute
to smog and acid rain and the formation of fine particulate matter. It is the
largest uncontrolled industrial source of mercury emissions in Canada. Fossil
fuel-fired electric power plants also emit carbon dioxide, which may contribute
to climate change. In addition, the sector has significant impacts on water and
habitat and species. In particular, hydro dams and transmission lines have
significant effects on water and biodiversity."
Coal mining practices in the
United States have also included strip
mining and removing mountain tops. Mill tailings
are left out bare and have been leached into local rivers and resulted in most
or all of the rivers in coal producing areas to run red year round with
sulfuric acid that kills all life in the rivers.
The efficiency of some of these
systems can be improved by cogeneration and geothermal (combined heat and power) methods. Process
steam can be extracted from steam turbines. Waste heat produced by thermal
generating stations can be used for space heating of nearby buildings. By
combining electric power production and heating, less fuel is consumed, thereby
reducing the environmental effects compared with separate heat and power
Nuclear power
Nuclear power plants do not burn
fossil fuels and so do not directly emit carbon dioxide; because of the high
energy yield of nuclear fuels, the carbon dioxide emitted during mining,
enrichment, fabrication and transport of fuel is small when compared with the
carbon dioxide emitted by fossil fuels of similar energy yield.
A large nuclear power plant may
reject waste heat to a natural body of water; this can result in undesirable
increase of the water temperature with adverse effect on aquatic life.
Emission of radioactivity from a
nuclear plant is controlled by regulations. Abnormal operation may result in
release of radioactive material on scales ranging from minor to severe,
although these scenarios are very rare.
Mining of uranium ore can disrupt
the environment around the mine. Disposal of spent fuel is controversial, with
many proposed long-term storage schemes under intense review and criticism.
Diversion of fresh or spent fuel to weapons production presents a risk of nuclear proliferation. Finally, the structure
of the reactor itself becomes radioactive and will require decades of storage
before it can be economically dismantled and in turn disposed of as waste.
Renewable energy
Hydroelectric power
Development of large-scale
hydroelectric power has environmental impacts associated with the change in
water flow and the impoundment of water in a reservoir. Dams may block the
passage of fish. The natural flow of silt down the river will be interrupted,
affecting downstream ecosystems. Where large reservoirs are not cleared of
trees before flooding, the methane gas released by decaying wood can be
comparable in greenhouse effect to the CO2 emissions of a fossil-fuel plant of
similar output. The filling of large reservoirs can induce earth tremors, which
may be large enough to be objectionable or destructive. For example, the 1967 Koynanagar earthquake of 6.9 magnitude was created after the filling of
the Koyna
Dam in India, with 180 fatalities. A magnitude 7.9 earthquake near the Zipingpu
Dam, China, in 2004, with 70,000 fatalities may also have been triggered by
the weight of the reservoir.
Hydroelectric power facilities
also create conditions where methylation occurs in the reservoir areas. The
mechanism of methylation that results in elevated levels of methylmercury
concentrations, is not fully understood at this time. Current theories revolve
around anaerobic bacteria in oxygen-deprived layers of water converting
elemental mercury to methylmercury, which is more readily absorbed into the
food chain and other organisms.
Marine and Hydrokinetic (MHK)
energy from the sun creates temperature differentials that result in wind. The interaction
between wind and the surface of water creates waves, which are larger when
there is a greater distance for them to build up. Wave energy potential is
greatest between 30° and 60° latitude in both hemispheres on the west coast
because of the global direction of wind. When evaluating wave energy as a
technology type, it is important to distinguish between the four most common
approaches: point absorber buoys, surface attenuators, oscillating water columns, and overtopping devices.
Point Absorber Buoy
This device floats on the surface
of the water, held in place by cables connected to the seabed. Buoys use the
rise and fall of swells to drive hydraulic pumps and generate electricity. EMF
generated by electrical transmission cables and acoustic of these devices may
be a concern for marine organisms. The presence of the buoys may affect fish,
marine mammals, and birds as potential minor collision risk and roosting sites.
Potential also exists for entanglement in mooring lines. Energy removed from
the waves may also affect the shoreline, resulting in a recommendation that
sites remain a considerable distance from the shore.
Surface Attenuator
These devices act similarly to
point absorber buoys, with multiple floating segments connected to one another
and are oriented perpendicular to incoming waves. A flexing motion is created
by swells that drive hydraulic pumps to generate electricity. Environmental
effects are similar to those of point absorber buoys, with an additional
concern that organisms could be pinched in the joints.
Oscillating Water Column
Oscillating water column devices
can be located on shore or in deeper waters offshore. With an air chamber
integrated into the device, swells compress air in the chambers forcing air
through an air turbine to create electricity. Significant noise is produced as
air is pushed through the turbines, potentially affecting birds and other
marine organisms within the vicinity of the device. There is also concern about
marine organisms getting trapped or entangled within the air chambers.
Overtopping Device
Overtopping devices are long
structures that use wave velocity to fill a reservoir to a greater water level
than the surrounding ocean. The potential energy in the reservoir height is
then captured with low-head turbines. Devices can be either on shore or floating
offshore. Floating devices will have environmental concerns about the mooring
system affecting benthic organisms, organisms becoming entangled, or EMF
effects produced from subsea cables. There is also some concern regarding low
levels of turbine noise and wave energy removal affecting the nearfield
Oscillating Wave Surge
These devices typically have one
end fixed to a structure or the seabed while the other end is free to move.
Energy is collected from the relative motion of the body compared to the fixed
point. Oscillating wave surge converters often come in the form of floats,
flaps, or membranes. Environmental concerns include minor risk of collision,
artificial reefing near the fixed point, EMF effects from subsea cables, and
energy removal effecting sediment transport.
Tidal Turbines
Land constrictions such as straits
or inlets can create high velocities at specific sites, which can be captured
with the use of turbines. These turbines can be horizontal, vertical, open, or
ducted and are typically placed near the bottom of the water column.
The main environmental concern
with tidal energy is associated with blade strike and entanglement of marine
organisms as high speed water increases the risk of organisms being pushed near
or through these devices. As with all offshore renewable energies, there is
also a concern about how the creation of EMF and acoustic outputs may affect
marine organisms. Because these devices are in the water, the acoustic output
can be greater than those created with offshore wind energy. Depending on the
frequency and amplitude of sound generated by the tidal energy devices, this
acoustic output can have varying effects on marine mammals (particularly those
who echolocate to communicate and navigate in the marine environment such as
dolphins and whales). Tidal energy removal can also cause environmental concerns
such as degrading farfield water quality and disrupting sediment
processes. Depending on the size of the project, these effects can range from
small traces of sediment build up near the tidal device to severely affecting
nearshore ecosystems and processes.
Tidal Barrage
barrages are dams built across the entrance to a bay or estuary that
captures potential tidal energy with turbines similar to a conventional
hydrokinetic dam. Energy is collected while the height difference on either
side of the dam is greatest, at low or high tide. A minimum height fluctuation
of 5 meters is required to justify the construction, so only 40 locations
worldwide have been identified as feasible.
Installing a barrage may change
the shoreline within the bay or estuary, affecting a large ecosystem that depends on tidal
flats. Inhibiting the flow of water in and out of the bay, there may also be
less flushing of the bay or estuary, causing additional turbidity (suspended
solids) and less saltwater, which may result in the death of fish that act as a
vital food source to birds and mammals. Migrating fish may also be unable to
access breeding streams, and may attempt to pass through the turbines. The same
acoustic concerns apply to tidal barrages. Decreasing shipping accessibility
can become a socio-economic issue, though locks can be added to allow slow
passage. However, the barrage may improve the local economy by increasing land
access as a bridge. Calmer waters may also allow better recreation in the bay
or estuary.
Tidal Lagoon
A newer tidal energy design option
is to construct circular retaining walls embedded with turbines that can
capture the potential energy of tides. The created reservoirs are similar to
those of tidal barrages, except that the location is artificial and does not
contain a preexisting ecosystem.
Environmentally, the main concerns
are blade strike on fish attempting to enter the lagoon, acoustic output from
turbines, and changes in sedimentation processes. However, all these effects
are localized and do not affect the entire estuary or bay.
Electrical power can be generated
by burning anything which will combust. Some electrical power is generated by
burning crops which are grown specifically for the purpose. Usually this is
done by fermenting plant matter to produce ethanol, which is
then burned. This may also be done by allowing organic matter to decay,
producing biogas,
which is then burned. Also, when burned, wood is a form of biomass fuel.
Burning biomass produces many of
the same emissions as burning fossil fuels. However, growing biomass captures
carbon dioxide out of the air, so that the net contribution to global atmospheric
carbon dioxide levels is small.
The process of growing biomass is
subject to the same environmental concerns as any kind of agriculture.
It uses a large amount of land, and fertilizers
and pesticides
may be necessary for cost-effective growth. Biomass that is produced as a
by-product of agriculture shows some promise, but most such biomass is
currently being used, for plowing back into the soil as fertilizer if nothing
Wind power
Onshore Wind
Wind power harnesses mechanical
energy from the constant flow of air over the surface of the earth. Wind power
stations generally consist of wind farms, fields of wind
turbines in locations with relatively high winds. A primary publicity issue
regarding wind turbines are their older predecessors, such as the Altamont Pass Wind Farm in California.
These older, smaller, wind turbines are rather noisy and densely located,
making them very unattractive to the local population. The downwind side of the
turbine does disrupt local low-level winds. Modern large wind turbines have
mitigated these concerns, and have become a commercially important energy
source. Many homeowners in areas with high winds and expensive electricity set
up small windmills to reduce their electric bills.
A modern wind farm, when installed
on agricultural land, has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy
- It occupies less land area per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity generated than any other renewable energy conversion system, and is compatible with grazing and crops.
- It generates the energy used in its construction within just months of operation.
- Greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution produced by its construction are small and declining. There are no emissions or pollution produced by its operation.
- Modern wind turbines rotate so slowly (in terms of revolutions per minute) that they are rarely a hazard to birds.
Landscape and heritage issues may
be a significant issue for certain wind farms. However, when appropriate
planning procedures are followed, the heritage and landscape risks should be
minimal. Some people may still object to wind farms, perhaps on the grounds of
aesthetics, but there is still the supportive opinions of the broader community
and the need to address the threats posed by climate change.
Offshore Wind
Offshore wind is similar to
terrestrial wind technologies, as a large windmill-like
turbine located in a fresh or saltwater environment. Wind causes the blades to
rotate, which is then turned into electricity
and connected to the grid with cables. The advantages of offshore wind are that
winds are stronger and more consistent, allowing turbines of much larger size
to be erected by vessels. The disadvantages are the difficulties of placing a
structure in a dynamic ocean environment.
The turbines are often scaled-up
versions of existing land technologies. However, the foundations are unique to
offshore wind and are listed below:
Monopile Foundation
Monopile foundations are used in
shallow depth applications (0–30 m) and consist of a pile being driven to
varying depths into the seabed (10–40 m) depending on the soil conditions. The
pile-driving construction process is an environmental concern as the noise
produced is incredibly loud and propagates far in the water, even after
mitigation strategies such as bubble shields, slow start, and acoustic
cladding. The footprint is relatively small, but may still cause scouring or
artificial reefs. Transmission lines also produce an electromagnetic field that
may be harmful to some marine organisms.
Tripod Fixed Bottom
Tripod fixed bottom foundations
are used in transitional depth applications (20–80 m) and consist of three legs
connecting to a central shaft that supports the turbine base. Each leg has a
pile driven into the seabed, though less depth is necessary because of the wide
foundation. The environmental effects are a combination of those for monopile
and gravity foundations.
Gravity Foundation
Gravity foundations are used in
shallow depth applications (0–30 m) and consist of a large and heavy base
constructed of steel or concrete to rest on the seabed. The footprint is
relatively large and may cause scouring, artificial reefs, or physical
destruction of habitat upon introduction. Transmission lines also produce an
electromagnetic field that may be harmful to some marine organisms.
Gravity Tripod
Gravity tripod foundations are
used in transitional depth applications (10–40 m) and consist of two heavy
concrete structures connected by three legs, one structure sitting on the
seabed while the other is above the water. As of 2013, no offshore windfarms
are currently using this foundation. The environmental concerns are identical
to those of gravity foundations, though the scouring effect may be less
significant depending on the design.
Floating Structure
Floating structure foundations are
used in deep depth applications (40–900 m) and consist of a balanced floating
structure moored to the seabed with fixed cables. The floating structure may be
stabilized using buoyancy, the mooring lines, or a ballast. The mooring lines
may cause minor scouring or a potential for collision. Transmission lines also
produce an electromagnetic field that may be harmful to some marine organisms.
Geothermal power
Geothermal energy is the heat of
the Earth, which can be tapped into to produce electricity in power plants.
Warm water produced from geothermal sources can be used for industry,
agriculture, bathing and cleansing. Where underground steam sources can be
tapped, the steam is used to run a steam turbine. Geothermal steam sources have
a finite life as underground water is depleted. Arrangements that circulate
surface water through rock formations to produce hot water or steam are, on a
human-relevant time scale, renewable.
While a geothermal power plant
does not burn any fuel, it will still have emissions due to substances other
than steam which come up from the geothermal wells. These may include hydrogen
sulfide, and carbon dioxide. Some geothermal steam sources entrain
non-soluble minerals that must be removed from the steam before it is used for
generation; this material must be properly disposed. Any (closed cycle) steam
power plant requires cooling water for condensers; diversion of cooling water
from natural sources, and its increased temperature when returned to streams or
lakes, may have a significant impact on local ecosystems.
Removal of ground water and
accelerated cooling of rock formations can cause earth tremors. Enhanced
geothermal systems (EGS) fracture underground rock to produce more steam; such
projects can cause earthquakes. Certain geothermal projects (such as one near
Basel, Switzerland in 2006) have been suspended or canceled owing to
objectionable seismicity induced by geothermal recovery. However, risks
associated with "hydrofracturing induced seismicity are low compared to
that of natural earthquakes, and can be reduced by careful management and
monitoring" and "should not be regarded as an impediment to further
development of the Hot Rock geothermal energy resource".
Solar power
Currently solar photovoltaic power
is used primarily in Germany and Spain where the governments offer financial
incentives. In the U.S., Washington State also provides financial incentives.
Photovoltaic power is also more common, as one might expect, in areas where
sunlight is abundant.
It works by converting the sun's
radiation into direct current (DC) power by use of photovoltaic
cells. This power can then be converted into the more common AC power and fed
to the power grid.
Solar photovoltaic power offers a
viable alternative to fossils fuels for its cleanliness and supply, although at
a high production cost. Future technology improvements are expected to bring
this cost down to a more competitive range.
Its negative impact on the
environment lies in the creation of the solar cells which are made primarily of
silica (from
sand) and the extraction of silicon from silica may require the use of fossil
fuels, although newer manufacturing processes have eliminated CO2
production. Solar power carries an upfront cost to the environment via
production, but offers clean energy throughout the lifespan of the solar cell.
Large scale electricity generation
using photovoltaic power requires a large amount of land, due to the low power
density of photovoltaic power. Land use can be reduced by installing on
buildings and other built up areas, though this reduces efficiency.
Concentrated solar power
Also known as Solar thermal, this technology uses various
types of mirrors to concentrate sunlight and produce heat. This heat is used to
generate electricity in a standard Rankine
cycle turbine. Like most thermoelectric power generation, this consumes
water. This can be a problem, as solar powerplants are most commonly located in
a desert environment due to the need for sunlight and large amounts of land.
Many concentrated solar systems also use exotic fluids to absorb and collect
heat while remaining at low pressure. These fluids could be dangerous if
Negawatt power
Negawatt power refers to
investment to reduce electricity consumption rather than investing to increase
supply capacity. In this way investing in Negawatts can be considered as an
alternative to a new power station and the costs and environmental concerns can
be compared.
Negawatt investment alternatives
to reduce consumption by improving efficiency include:
- Providing customers with energy efficient lamps - low environmental impact
- Improved thermal insulation and airtightness for buildings - low environmental impact
- Replacing older industrial plant - low environmental impact. Can have a positive impact due to reduced emissions.
Negawatt investment alternatives
to reduce peak electrical load by time shifting demand include;
- Storage heaters - older systems had asbestos. Newer systems have low environmental impact.
- Demand response control systems where the electricity board can control certain customer loads - minimal environmental impact
- Thermal storage systems such as Ice storage systems to make ice during the night and store it to use it for air conditioning during the day - minimal environmental impact
- Pumped storage hydroelectricity - Can have a significant environmental impact - see Hydroelectricity.
- other Grid energy storage technologies - impact varies.
Note that time shifting does not
reduce total energy consumed or system efficiency however it can be used to
avoid the need to build a new power station to cope with a peak load.
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