Computational fluid dynamics, usually abbreviated as CFD,
is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical
methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid
flows. Computers are used to perform the calculations required to simulate
the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. With high-speed supercomputers,
better solutions can be achieved. Ongoing research yields software that
improves the accuracy and speed of complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or turbulent
flows. Initial experimental validation of such software is performed using a wind tunnel
with the final validation coming in full-scale testing, e.g. flight
Background and history
The fundamental basis of almost all CFD problems are the Navier–Stokes equations, which define any
single-phase (gas or liquid, but not both) fluid flow. These equations can be
simplified by removing terms describing viscous actions
to yield the Euler equations. Further
simplification, by removing terms describing vorticity
yields the full potential equations. Finally, for small
perturbations in subsonic and supersonic
flows (not transonic
or hypersonic)
these equations can be linearized to yield the linearized potential equations.
Historically, methods were first developed to solve the
linearized potential equations. Two-dimensional (2D) methods, using conformal transformations of the flow
about a cylinder to the flow about an airfoil were
developed in the 1930s.
One of the earliest type of calculations resembling modern
CFD are those by Lewis Fry Richardson, in the sense that these
calculations used finite differences and divided the physical space in cells.
Although they failed dramatically, these calculations, together with
Richardson's book "Weather prediction by numerical process",set the
basis for modern CFD and numerical meteorology. In fact, early CFD calculations
during the 1940s using ENIAC used methods close to those in Richardson's 1922 book.
The computer power available paced development of three-dimensional methods. Probably the
first work using computers to model fluid flow, as governed by the
Navier-Stokes equations, was performed at Los Alamos National Lab, in the T3 group.
This group was led by Francis H. Harlow, who is widely considered as
one of the pioneers of CFD. From 1957 to late 1960s, this group developed a
variety of numerical methods to simulate transient two-dimensional fluid flows,
such as Particle-in-cell method (Harlow, 1957), Fluid-in-cell method (Gentry,
Martin and Daly, 1966), Vorticity stream
function method (Jake Fromm, 1963), and Marker-and-cell method (Harlow and Welch,
1965). Fromm's vorticity-stream-function method for 2D, transient,
incompressible flow was the first treatment of strongly contorting
incompressible flows in the world.
The first paper with three-dimensional model was published
by John Hess and A.M.O. Smith of Douglas
Aircraft in 1967. This method discretized the surface of the geometry with
panels, giving rise to this class of programs being called Panel Methods. Their
method itself was simplified, in that it did not include lifting flows and
hence was mainly applied to ship hulls and aircraft fuselages. The first
lifting Panel Code (A230) was described in a paper written by Paul Rubbert and
Gary Saaris of Boeing Aircraft in 1968. In time, more advanced
three-dimensional Panel Codes were developed at Boeing (PANAIR,
A502), Lockheed (Quadpan), Douglas (HESS), McDonnell Aircraft (MACAERO), NASA (PMARC) and
Analytical Methods (WBAERO, USAERO and VSAERO). Some (PANAIR, HESS and MACAERO)
were higher order codes, using higher order distributions of surface
singularities, while others (Quadpan, PMARC, USAERO and VSAERO) used single
singularities on each surface panel. The advantage of the lower order codes was
that they ran much faster on the computers of the time. Today, VSAERO has grown
to be a multi-order code and is the most widely used program of this class. It
has been used in the development of many submarines,
surface ships, automobiles,
and more recently wind turbines. Its sister code, USAERO is an unsteady
panel method that has also been used for modeling such things as high speed
trains and racing yachts.
The NASA PMARC code from an early version of VSAERO and a derivative of PMARC,
named CMARC, is also commercially available.
In the two-dimensional realm, a number of Panel Codes have
been developed for airfoil analysis and design. The codes typically have a boundary
layer analysis included, so that viscous effects can be modeled. Professor Richard Eppler of the University of Stuttgart developed the PROFILE code, partly with NASA
funding, which became available in the early 1980s. This was soon followed by MIT Professor Mark
Drela's XFOIL
code. Both PROFILE and XFOIL incorporate two-dimensional panel codes, with
coupled boundary layer codes for airfoil analysis work. PROFILE uses a conformal transformation method for inverse
airfoil design, while XFOIL has both a conformal transformation and an inverse
panel method for airfoil design.
An intermediate step between Panel Codes and Full Potential
codes were codes that used the Transonic Small Disturbance equations. In
particular, the three-dimensional WIBCO code, developed by Charlie Boppe of Grumman
Aircraft in the early 1980s has seen heavy use.
Developers turned to Full Potential codes, as panel methods
could not calculate the non-linear flow present at transonic
speeds. The first description of a means of using the Full Potential equations
was published by Earll Murman and Julian Cole
of Boeing in 1970. Frances Bauer, Paul
Garabedian and David Korn of the Courant Institute
at New York University (NYU) wrote a series of
two-dimensional Full Potential airfoil codes that were widely used, the most
important being named Program H. A further growth of Program H was developed by
Bob Melnik and his group at Grumman
Aerospace as Grumfoil. Antony Jameson, originally at Grumman Aircraft and
the Courant Institute of NYU, worked with David Caughey to develop the
important three-dimensional Full Potential code FLO22 in 1975. Many Full
Potential codes emerged after this, culminating in Boeing's Tranair (A633)
code,which still sees heavy use.
The next step was the Euler equations, which promised to
provide more accurate solutions of transonic flows. The methodology used by
Jameson in his three-dimensional FLO57 code (1981) was used by
others to produce such programs as Lockheed's TEAM program and IAI/Analytical
Methods' MGAERO program. MGAERO is unique in being a structured cartesian mesh code, while most other
such codes use structured body-fitted grids (with the exception of NASA's
highly successful CART3D code, Lockheed's SPLITFLOW code and Georgia Tech's NASCART-GT). Antony
Jameson also developed the three-dimensional AIRPLANE code which made use
of unstructured tetrahedral grids.
In the two-dimensional realm, Mark Drela and Michael Giles,
then graduate students at MIT, developed the ISES Euler program (actually a
suite of programs) for airfoil design and analysis. This code first became
available in 1986 and has been further developed to design, analyze and
optimize single or multi-element airfoils, as the MSES program. MSES sees wide
use throughout the world. A derivative of MSES, for the design and analysis of
airfoils in a cascade, is MISES, developed by Harold "Guppy" Youngren
while he was a graduate student at MIT.
The Navier–Stokes equations were the ultimate target of
developers. Two-dimensional codes, such as NASA Ames' ARC2D code first emerged.
A number of three-dimensional codes were developed (ARC3D, OVERFLOW, CFL3D are three successful NASA
contributions), leading to numerous commercial packages.
In all of these approaches the same basic procedure is
- During preprocessing
- The geometry (physical bounds) of the problem is defined.
- The volume occupied by the fluid is divided into discrete cells (the mesh). The mesh may be uniform or non-uniform.
- The physical modeling is defined – for example, the equations of motion + enthalpy + radiation + species conservation
- Boundary conditions are defined. This involves specifying the fluid behaviour and properties at the boundaries of the problem. For transient problems, the initial conditions are also defined.
- The simulation is started and the equations are solved iteratively as a steady-state or transient.
- Finally a postprocessor is used for the analysis and visualization of the resulting solution.
Discretization methods
The stability of the selected discretisation is generally
established numerically rather than analytically as with simple linear
problems. Special care must also be taken to ensure that the discretisation
handles discontinuous solutions gracefully. The Euler equations and Navier–Stokes equations both admit shocks,
and contact surfaces.
Some of the discretisation methods being used are:
Finite volume method
The finite volume method (FVM) is a common approach used in
CFD codes, as it has an advantage in memory usage and solution speed, especially
for large problems, high Reynolds number turbulent flows, and source term
dominated flows (like combustion).
In the finite volume method, the governing partial
differential equations (typically the Navier-Stokes equations, the mass and
energy conservation equations, and the turbulence equations) are recast in a
conservative form, and then solved over discrete control volumes. This discretisation guarantees the
conservation of fluxes through a particular control volume. The finite volume
equation yields governing equations in the form,
Finite element method
The finite element method (FEM) is used in structural
analysis of solids, but is also applicable to fluids. However, the FEM
formulation requires special care to ensure a conservative solution. The FEM
formulation has been adapted for use with fluid dynamics governing equations.
Although FEM must be carefully formulated to be conservative, it is much more
stable than the finite volume approach. However, FEM can require more memory
and has slower solution times than the FVM.
In this method, a weighted residual equation is formed:
Finite difference method
The finite difference method (FDM) has historical importance]
and is simple to program. It is currently only used in few specialized codes,
which handle complex geometry with high accuracy and efficiency by using
embedded boundaries or overlapping grids (with the solution interpolated across
each grid).
Spectral element method
Spectral element method is a finite element type method. It
requires the mathematical problem (the partial differential equation) to be
cast in a weak formulation. This is typically done by multiplying the
differential equation by an arbitrary test function and integrating over the
whole domain. Purely mathematically, the test functions are completely
arbitrary - they belong to an infinitely dimensional function space. Clearly an
infinitely dimensional function space cannot be represented on a discrete
spectral element mesh. And this is where the spectral element discretization
begins. The most crucial thing is the choice of interpolating and testing
functions. In a standard, low order FEM in 2D, for quadrilateral elements the
most typical choice is the bilinear test or interpolating function of the form .
In a spectral element method however, the interpolating and test functions are
chosen to be polynomials of a very high order (typically e.g. of the 10th order
in CFD applications). This guarantees the rapid convergence of the method.
Furthermore, very efficient integration procedures must be used, since the
number of integrations to be performed in a numerical codes is big. Thus, high
order Gauss integration quadratures are employed, since they achieve the
highest accuracy with the smallest number of computations to be carried out. At
the time there are some academic CFD codes based on the spectral element method
and some more are currently under development, since the new time-stepping
schemes arise in the scientific world. You can refer to the C-CFD website to
see movies of incompressible flows in channels simulated with a spectral
element solver or to the Numerical
Mechanics (see bottom of the page) website to see a movie of the lid-driven
cavity flow obtained with a compeletely novel unconditionally stable
time-stepping scheme combined with a spectral element solver.
Boundary element method
In the boundary element method, the boundary occupied by the
fluid is divided into a surface mesh.
High-resolution discretization schemes
High-resolution schemes are used where shocks or
discontinuities are present. Capturing sharp changes in the solution requires
the use of second or higher-order numerical schemes that do not introduce
spurious oscillations. This usually necessitates the application of flux
limiters to ensure that the solution is total variation diminishing.
Turbulence models
In computational modeling of turbulent flows, one common
objective is to obtain a model that can predict quantities of interest, such as
fluid velocity, for use in engineering designs of the system being modeled. For
turbulent flows, the range of length scales and complexity of phenomena
involved in turbulence make most modeling approaches prohibitively expensive;
the resolution required to resolve all scales involved in turbulence is beyond
what is computationally possible. The primary approach in such cases is to
create numerical models to approximate unresolved phenomena. This section lists
some commonly-used computational models for turbulent flows.
Turbulence models can be classified based on computational
expense, which corresponds to the range of scales that are modeled versus
resolved (the more turbulent scales that are resolved, the finer the resolution
of the simulation, and therefore the higher the computational cost). If a
majority or all of the turbulent scales are not modeled, the computational cost
is very low, but the tradeoff comes in the form of decreased accuracy.
In addition to the wide range of length and time scales and
the associated computational cost, the governing equations of fluid dynamics
contain a non-linear convection term and a non-linear and
non-local pressure gradient term. These nonlinear equations must be solved
numerically with the appropriate boundary and initial conditions.
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are the oldest approach to turbulence
modeling. An ensemble version of the governing equations is solved, which
introduces new apparent stresses known as Reynolds
stresses. This adds a second order tensor of unknowns for which various
models can provide different levels of closure. It is a common misconception
that the RANS equations do not apply to flows with a time-varying mean flow
because these equations are 'time-averaged'. In fact, statistically unsteady
(or non-stationary) flows can equally be treated. This is sometimes referred to
as URANS. There is nothing inherent in Reynolds averaging to preclude this, but
the turbulence models used to close the equations are valid only as long as the
time over which these changes in the mean occur is large compared to the time
scales of the turbulent motion containing most of the energy.
RANS models can be divided into two broad approaches:
This method involves using an algebraic equation for the
Reynolds stresses which include determining the turbulent viscosity, and
depending on the level of sophistication of the model, solving transport
equations for determining the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation. Models
include k-ε (Launder and Spalding),
Mixing Length Model (Prandtl), and Zero Equation Model (Cebeci and Smith). The models available in this approach
are often referred to by the number of transport equations associated with the
method. For example, the Mixing Length model is a "Zero Equation"
model because no transport equations are solved; the
is a
"Two Equation" model because two transport equations (one for
and one for
) are

Reynolds stress model
This approach attempts to actually solve transport equations
for the Reynolds stresses. This means introduction of several transport
equations for all the Reynolds stresses and hence this approach is much more
costly in CPU effort.
Large eddy simulation
Large eddy simulation (LES) is a technique in
which the smallest scales of the flow are removed through a filtering
operation, and their effect modeled using subgrid scale models. This allows the
largest and most important scales of the turbulence to be resolved, while
greatly reducing the computational cost incurred by the smallest scales. This
method requires greater computational resources than RANS methods, but is far
cheaper than DNS.
Detached eddy simulation
Detached eddy simulations (DES) is a
modification of a RANS model in which the model switches to a subgrid scale
formulation in regions fine enough for LES calculations. Regions near solid
boundaries and where the turbulent length scale is less than the maximum grid
dimension are assigned the RANS mode of solution. As the turbulent length scale
exceeds the grid dimension, the regions are solved using the LES mode.
Therefore the grid resolution for DES is not as demanding as pure LES, thereby
considerably cutting down the cost of the computation. Though DES was initially
formulated for the Spalart-Allmaras model (Spalart et al., 1997), it can be
implemented with other RANS models (Strelets, 2001), by appropriately modifying
the length scale which is explicitly or implicitly involved in the RANS model.
So while Spalart-Allmaras model based DES acts as LES with a wall model, DES
based on other models (like two equation models) behave as a hybrid RANS-LES
model. Grid generation is more complicated than for a simple RANS or LES case
due to the RANS-LES switch. DES is a non-zonal approach and provides a single
smooth velocity field across the RANS and the LES regions of the solutions.
Direct numerical simulation
Direct numerical simulation (DNS)
resolves the entire range of turbulent length scales. This marginalizes the
effect of models, but is extremely expensive. The computational cost is
proportional to
. DNS is
intractable for flows with complex geometries or flow configurations.

Coherent vortex simulation
The coherent vortex simulation approach decomposes the
turbulent flow field into a coherent part, consisting of organized vortical
motion, and the incoherent part, which is the random background flow. This
decomposition is done using wavelet filtering. The approach has much in common with LES,
since it uses decomposition and resolves only the filtered portion, but
different in that it does not use a linear, low-pass filter. Instead, the
filtering operation is based on wavelets, and the filter can be adapted as the
flow field evolves. Farge and Schneider tested the CVS method with two flow
configurations and showed that the coherent portion of the flow exhibited the energy
spectrum exhibited by the total flow, and corresponded to coherent structures (vortex
tubes), while the incoherent parts of the flow composed homogeneous
background noise, which exhibited no organized structures. Goldstein and Oleg
applied the FDV model to large eddy simulation, but did not assume that the
wavelet filter completely eliminated all coherent motions from the subfilter
scales. By employing both LES and CVS filtering, they showed that the SFS
dissipation was dominated by the SFS flow field's coherent portion.
PDF methods
Probability density function (PDF)
methods for turbulence, first introduced by Lundgren, are based on tracking the one-point
PDF of the velocity, , which gives the probability of the velocity at point
. This approach is analogous to the kinetic
theory of gases, in which the macroscopic properties of a gas are described
by a large number of particles. PDF methods are unique in that they can be
applied in the framework of a number of different turbulence models; the main
differences occur in the form of the PDF transport equation. For example, in
the context of large eddy simulation, the PDF becomes the
filtered PDF. PDF methods can also be used to describe chemical reactions, and
are particularly useful for simulating chemically reacting flows because the
chemical source term is closed and does not require a model. The PDF is
commonly tracked by using Lagrangian particle methods; when combined with large
eddy simulation, this leads to a Langevin
equation for subfilter particle evolution.

Vortex method
The vortex method is a grid-free technique for the
simulation of turbulent flows. It uses vortices as the computational elements,
mimicking the physical structures in turbulence. Vortex methods were developed
as a grid-free methodology that would not be limited by the fundamental
smoothing effects associated with grid-based methods. To be practical, however,
vortex methods require means for rapidly computing velocities from the vortex
elements – in other words they require the solution to a particular form of the
problem (in which the motion of N objects is tied to their mutual
influences). A breakthrough came in the late 1980s with the development of the fast multipole method (FMM), an algorithm by
V. Rokhlin (Yale) and L. Greengard (Courant Institute). This breakthrough paved
the way to practical computation of the velocities from the vortex elements and
is the basis of successful algorithms. They are especially well-suited to
simulating filamentary motion, such as wisps of smoke, in real-time simulations
such as video games, because of the fine detail achieved using minimal
Software based on the vortex method offer a new means for
solving tough fluid dynamics problems with minimal user intervention. All that
is required is specification of problem geometry and setting of boundary and
initial conditions. Among the significant advantages of this modern technology;
- It is practically grid-free, thus eliminating numerous iterations associated with RANS and LES.
- All problems are treated identically. No modeling or calibration inputs are required.
- Time-series simulations, which are crucial for correct analysis of acoustics, are possible.
- The small scale and large scale are accurately simulated at the same time.
Vorticity confinement method
The vorticity confinement (VC) method is an Eulerian
technique used in the simulation of turbulent wakes. It uses a solitary-wave
like approach to produce a stable solution with no numerical spreading. VC can
capture the small scale features to within as few as 2 grid cells. Within these
features, a nonlinear difference equation is solved as opposed to the finite difference equation. VC is
similar to shock capturing methods, where conservation
laws are satisfied, so that the essential integral quantities are accurately
Linear eddy model
The Linear eddy model is a technique used to simulate the
convective mixing that takes place in turbulent flow.Specifically, it provides
a mathematical way to describe the interactions of a scalar variable within the
vector flow field. It is primarily used in one-dimensional representations of
turbulent flow, since it can be applied across a wide range of length scales
and Reynolds numbers. This model is generally used as a building block for more
complicated flow representations, as it provides high resolution predictions
that hold across a large range of flow conditions.
Two-phase flow
The modeling of two-phase
flow is still under development. Different methods have been proposed
lately. The Volume of fluid method has received a lot of
attention lately, for problems that do not have dispersed particles, but the Level
set method and front tracking are also
valuable approaches .Most of these methods are either good in
maintaining a sharp interface or at conserving mass This is crucial since the
evaluation of the density, viscosity and surface tension is based on the values
averaged over the interface. Lagrangian multiphase models, which are used for
dispersed media, are based on solving the Lagrangian equation of motion for the
dispersed phase.
Solution algorithms
Discretization in space produces a system of ordinary differential equations for
unsteady problems and algebraic equations for steady problems. Implicit or
semi-implicit methods are generally used to integrate the ordinary differential
equations, producing a system of (usually) nonlinear algebraic equations.
Applying a Newton or Picard iteration produces a system of linear
equations which is nonsymmetric in the presence of advection and indefinite in
the presence of incompressibility. Such systems, particularly in 3D, are
frequently too large for direct solvers, so iterative methods are used, either
stationary methods such as successive overrelaxation or Krylov
subspace methods. Krylov methods such as GMRES, typically used with preconditioning,
operate by minimizing the residual over successive subspaces generated by the
preconditioned operator.
Multigrid has the advantage of asymptotically
optimal performance on many problems. Traditional solvers and preconditioners
are effective at reducing high-frequency components of the residual, but
low-frequency components typically require many iterations to reduce. By
operating on multiple scales, multigrid reduces all components of the residual
by similar factors, leading to a mesh-independent number of iterations.
For indefinite systems, preconditioners such as incomplete LU factorization, additive Schwarz, and multigrid
perform poorly or fail entirely, so the problem structure must be used for
effective preconditioning. Methods commonly used in CFD are the SIMPLE
and Uzawa algorithms which exhibit mesh-dependent
convergence rates, but recent advances based on block LU factorization combined
with multigrid for the resulting definite systems have led to preconditioners
that deliver mesh-independent convergence rates.
Unsteady Aerodynamics
CFD made a major break through in late 70s with the
introduction of LTRAN2, a 2-D code to model oscillating airfoils based on transonic
small perturbation theory by Ballhaus and associates. It uses a Murman-Cole
switch algorithm for modeling the moving shock-waves. Later it was extended to
3-D with use of a rotated difference scheme by AFWAL/Boeing that resulted in
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