The environmental impact of aviation occurs because aircraft
engines emit noise, and particulates and gases which contribute
to climate
change and global dimming.[3]
Despite emission reductions from automobiles and more fuel-efficient and less
polluting turbofan
and turboprop
engines, the rapid growth of air travel in recent years contributes to an increase in
total pollution attributable to aviation. In the European
Union, greenhouse gas emissions from aviation increased by
87% between 1990 and 2006.
There is an ongoing debate about possible taxation of air
travel and the inclusion of aviation in an emissions
trading scheme, with a view to ensuring that the total external
costs of aviation are taken into account.
Climate change
Radiative forcings from aviation emissions (gases and
aerosols) in 1992 as estimated by the IPCC
Like all human activities involving combustion,
most forms of aviation
release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse
gases into the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the acceleration of global
warming and (in the case of CO2) ocean acidification. These concerns are
highlighted by the present volume of commercial aviation and its rate of
growth. Globally, about 8.3 million people fly daily (3 billion occupied seats
per year), twice the total in 1999.
In addition to the CO2 released by most aircraft
in flight through the burning of fuels such as Jet-A
(turbine aircraft) or Avgas
(piston aircraft), the aviation industry also contributes greenhouse
gas emissions from ground airport vehicles and those used by passengers and staff to
access airports, as well as through emissions generated by the production of
energy used in airport buildings, the manufacture of aircraft and
the construction of airport infrastructure.
While the principal greenhouse
gas emission from powered aircraft in flight is CO2, other emissions
may include nitric oxide and nitrogen
dioxide, (together termed oxides of nitrogen or NOx), water
vapour and particulates (soot and sulfate
particles), sulfur oxides, carbon
monoxide (which bonds with oxygen to become CO2 immediately upon release),
incompletely burned hydrocarbons, tetraethyllead
(piston aircraft only), and radicals such as hydroxyl,
depending on the type of aircraft in use. Emissions weighting factor (EWFs)
i.e., the factor by which aviation CO2 emissions should be multiplied to get
the CO2-equivalent emissions for annual fleet average conditions is ca in the
range 1.3–2.9.
The contribution of civil aircraft-in-flight to global CO2
emissions has been estimated at around 2%.However, in the case of high-altitude
which frequently fly near or in the stratosphere,
non-CO2 altitude-sensitive effects may increase the total impact on
anthropogenic (human-made) climate change significantly.
Mechanisms and Cumulative Effects of aviation on Climate
A 2007 report from Environmental Change Institute /
Oxford University posits a range closer to 7-9 percent cumulative effect.
Subsonic aircraft-in-flight contribute to climate change in four ways:
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
CO2 emissions from aircraft-in-flight are the
most significant and best understood element of aviation's total contribution to
climate change. The level and effects of CO2 emissions are currently
believed to be broadly the same regardless of altitude (i.e. they have the same
atmospheric effects as ground based emissions). In 1992, emissions of CO2
from aircraft were estimated at around 2% of all such anthropogenic emissions,
and that year the atmospheric concentration of CO2 attributable to
aviation was around 1% of the total anthropogenic increase since the industrial
revolution, having accumulated primarily over just the last 50 years.
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
At the high altitudes flown by large jet airliners around
the tropopause,
emissions of NOx are particularly effective in forming ozone (O3)
in the upper troposphere. High altitude (8-13km) NOx
emissions result in greater concentrations of O3 than surface NOx
emissions, and these in turn have a greater global warming effect. The effect
of O3 concentrations are regional and local (as opposed to CO2
emissions, which are global).
NOx emissions also reduce ambient levels of methane, another
greenhouse gas, resulting in a climate cooling effect. But this effect does not
offset the O3 forming effect of NOx emissions. It is now
believed that aircraft sulfur and water emissions in the stratosphere
tend to deplete O3, partially offsetting the NOx-induced
O3 increases. These effects have not been quantified. This problem
does not apply to aircraft that fly lower in the troposphere, such as light
aircraft or many commuter aircraft.
Water vapor (H2O)
Cirrus cloud formation
One of the products of burning hydrocarbons in oxygen is
water vapour, a greenhouse gas. Water vapour produced by aircraft engines at
high altitude, under certain atmospheric conditions, condenses into droplets to
form Condensation trails, or contrails. Contrails
are visible line clouds that form in cold, humid atmospheres and are thought to
have a global warming effect (though one less significant than either CO2
emissions or NOx induced effects). Contrails are extremely rare from
lower-altitude aircraft, or from propeller-driven aircraft or rotorcraft.
Cirrus clouds have been observed to develop after the
persistent formation of contrails and have been found to have a global warming
effect over-and-above that of contrail formation alone. There is a degree of
scientific uncertainty about the contribution of contrail and cirrus cloud
formation to global warming and attempts to estimate aviation's overall climate
change contribution do not tend to include its effects on cirrus cloud
Least significant is the release of soot and sulfate
particles. Soot absorbs heat and has a warming effect; sulfate particles
reflect radiation and have a small cooling effect. In addition, they can
influence the formation and properties of clouds. All aircraft powered by
combustion will release some amount of soot.
Greenhouse gas emissions per passenger kilometre
Averaged emissions
Emissions of passenger aircraft per passenger kilometre vary
extensively because of differing factors such as the size and type aircraft,
the altitude and the percentage of passenger or freight capacity of a
particular flight, and the distance of the journey and number of stops en
route. Also, the effect of a given amount of emissions on climate (radiative
forcing) is greater at higher altitudes: see below. Some representative figures
for CO2 emissions are provided by LIPASTO's survey of average direct
emissions (not accounting for high-altitude radiative effects) of airliners
expressed as CO2 and CO2 equivalent per passenger
- Domestic, short distance, less than 463 km (288 mi): 257 g/km CO2 or 259 g/km (14.7 oz/mile) CO2e
- Domestic, long distance, greater than 463 km (288 mi): 177 g/km CO2 or 178 g/km (10.1 oz/mile) CO2e
- Long distance flights: 113 g/km CO2 or 114 g/km (6.5 oz/mile) CO2e
These emissions are similar to a four-seat car with one
person on board; however, flying trips often cover longer distances than would
be undertaken by car, so the total emissions are much higher. For perspective,
per passenger a typical economy-class New York to Los Angeles round trip
produces about 715 kg (1574 lb) of CO2 (but is equivalent
to 1,917 kg (4,230 lb) of CO2 when the high altitude
"climatic forcing" effect is taken into account). Within the
categories of flights above, emissions from scheduled jet flights are substantially
higher than turboprop or chartered jet flights. About 60% of aviation emissions
arise from international flights, and these flights are not covered by the
Kyoto Protocol and its emissions reduction targets.
Figures from British Airways suggest carbon dioxide
emissions of 100g per passenger kilometre for large jet airliners (a figure
which does not account for the production of other pollutants or condensation
Emissions by passenger class, and effects of seating
In 2013 the World Bank published a study of the effect on
CO2 emissions of its staff's travel in business class or first class, versus
using economy class. Among the factors considered was that these premium classes
displace proportionately more economy seats for the same total aircraft space
capacity, and the associated differing load factors and weight factors. This
was not accounted for in prior standard carbon accounting methods. The study
concluded that when considering respective average load factors (percent of
occupied seats) in each of the seating classes, the carbon footprints of
business class and first class are three-times and nine-times higher than
economy class. A related article by the International Council on Clean
Transport notes further regarding the effect of seating configurations on
carbon emissions that:
The A380 is marketed as a "green giant" and one of
the most environmentally advanced aircraft out there. But that spin is based on
a maximum-capacity aircraft configuration, or about 850 economy passengers. In
reality, a typical A380 aircraft has 525 seats. Its fuel performance is
comparable to that of a B747-400 ER and even about 15% worse than a B777-300ER
on a passenger-mile basis (calculated using Piano-5 on a flight from AUH to
LHR, assuming an 80% passenger load factor, and in-service fleet average seat
Total climate effects
In attempting to aggregate and quantify the total climate
impact of aircraft emissions the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) has estimated that aviation’s total climate impact is
some 2-4 times that of its direct CO2 emissions alone (excluding the
potential impact of cirrus cloud enhancement). This is measured as radiative
forcing. While there is uncertainty about the exact level of impact of NOx
and water vapour, governments have accepted the broad scientific view that they
do have an effect. Globally in 2005, aviation contributed "possibly as
much as 4.9% of radiative forcing."UK government policy
statements have stressed the need for aviation to address its total climate
change impacts and not simply the impact of CO2.
The IPCC has estimated that aviation is responsible for
around 3.5% of anthropogenic climate change, a figure which includes both CO2
and non-CO2 induced effects. The IPCC has produced scenarios
estimating what this figure could be in 2050. The central case estimate is that
aviation’s contribution could grow to 5% of the total contribution by 2050 if
action is not taken to tackle these emissions, though the highest scenario is
15%. Moreover, if other industries achieve significant cuts in their own
greenhouse gas emissions, aviation’s share as a proportion of the remaining
emissions could also rise.
Future emission levels
Even though there have been significant improvements in fuel
efficiency through aircraft technology and operational management as described
here, these improvements are being continually eclipsed by the increase in air
traffic volume.
Continual increases in travel & freight
From 1992 to 2005, passenger kilometers increased 5.2% per
year, even with the disruptions of 9/11 and two significant wars. Since the
onset of the current recession:
"During the first three quarters of 2010, air travel
markets expanded at an annualized rate approaching 10%. This is similar to the
rate seen in the rapid expansion prior to the recession. November’s results
mean the annualized rate of growth so far in Q4 drops back to around 6%. But
this is still in line with long run rates of traffic growth seen historically.
The level of international air travel is now 4% above the pre-recession peak of
early 2008 and the current expansion looks to have further to run."
"Air freight reached a new high point in May (2010)
but, following the end of inventory restocking activity, volumes have slipped
back to settle at a similar level seen just before the onset of recession. Even
so, that means an expansion of air freight during 2010 of 5-6% on an annualized
basis – close to historical trend. With the stimulus of inventory restocking
activity removed, further growth in air freight demand will be driven by end
consumer demand for goods which utilize the air transport supply chain. ... The
end of the inventory cycle does not mean the end of volume expansion but
markets are entering a slower growth phase."
In a 2008 presentation and paper Professor Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall
Centre for Climate Change Research showed how continued aviation growth in
the UK threatens the ability of that nation to meet CO2 emission
reduction goals necessary to contain the century-end temperature increase to
even 4 or 6C°. (See also: the 4 Degrees and
Beyond International Climate Conference (2009) and its proceedings.) His
charts show the projected domestic aviation carbon emission increase for the UK
as growing from 11 MT in 2006 to 17 MT in 2012, at the UK's historic annual
emission growth rate of 7%. Beyond 2012 if the growth rate were reduced to 3%
yearly, carbon emissions in 2030 would be 28 MT, which is 70% of the UK's
entire carbon emissions budget that year for all sectors of society. This work
also suggests the foreseeable future which confronts many other nations that
have high dependency on aviation. "Hypermobile Travelers," an
academic study by Stefan Gössling et al. (2009) in the book
"Climate Change and Aviation," also points to the dilemma caused by
the increasing hypermobility of air travelers both in
particular nations and globally.
What is the scope for improving efficiency, to reduce
Aircraft efficiency
While it is true that late model jet aircraft are
significantly more fuel efficient (and thus emit less CO2 in particular) than
the earliest jet airliner, new airliner models in the first decade of the 21st
Century were barely more efficient on a seat-mile basis than the latest
piston-powered airliners of the late 1950s (e.g. Constellation L-1649-A and DC-7C).
Claims for a high gain in efficiency for airliners over recent decades (while
true in part) has been biased high in most studies, by using the early
inefficient models of jet airliners as a baseline. Those aircraft were
optimized for increased revenue, including increased speed and cruising
altitude, and were quite fuel inefficient in comparison to their piston-powered
Today, turboprop aircraft - probably in part because of
their lower cruising speeds and altitudes (similar to the earlier
piston-powered airliners) compared to jet airliners - play an obvious role in
the overall fuel efficiency of major airlines that have regional carrier
subsidiaries. For example, although Alaska
Airlines scored at the top of a 2011-2012 fuel efficiency ranking, if its
large regional carrier - turbo-prop equipped Horizon Air
- were dropped from the lumped-in consideration, the airline's ranking would be
somewhat lower, as noted in the ranking study.
Aircraft manufacturers are striving for reductions in both
CO2 and NOx emissions with each new generation of design of aircraft and
engine. While the introduction of more modern aircraft represents an
opportunity to reduce emissions per passenger kilometre flown, aircraft are
major investments that endure for many decades, and replacement of the
international fleet is therefore a long-term proposition which will greatly
delay realizing the climate benefits of many kinds of improvements. Engines can
be changed at some point, but nevertheless airframes have a long life.
Moreover, rather than being linear from one year to the next the improvements
to efficiency tend to diminish over time, as reflected in the histories of both
piston and jet powered aircraft.
Operations efficiency
Adding an electrific drive to the airplane's nose wheel may
improve fuel efficiency during ground handling. This addition would allow
taxiing without use of the main engines.[33][34][35]
Other opportunities arise from the optimisation of airline
timetables, route networks and flight frequencies to increase load factors
(minimise the number of empty seats flown), together with the optimisation of
airspace. However, these are each one-time gains, and as these opportunities
are successively fulfilled, diminishing returns can be expected from the
remaining opportunities.
Another possible reduction of the climate-change impact is
the limitation of cruise altitude of aircraft. This would lead to a significant
reduction in high-altitude contrails for a marginal trade-off of increased
flight time and an estimated 4% increase in CO2 emissions. Drawbacks
of this solution include very limited airspace capacity to do this, especially
in Europe and North America and increased fuel burn because jet aircraft are
less efficient at lower cruise altitudes.
While they are not suitable for long-haul or transoceanic
flights, turboprop aircraft used for commuter flights bring two significant
benefits: they often burn considerably less fuel per passenger mile, and they
typically fly at lower altitudes, well inside the tropopause, where there are
no concerns about ozone or contrail production.
Alternative fuels
Some scientists and companies such as GE Aviation
and Virgin
Fuels are researching biofuel technology for use in jet aircraft. Some aircraft
engines, like the Wilksch WAM120 can (being a 2-stroke Diesel
engine) run on straight vegetable oil. Also, a number of
Lycoming engines run well on ethanol.
In addition, there are also several tests done combining
regular petrofuels with a biofuel. For example, as part of this test Virgin Atlantic Airways flew a Boeing 747
from London Heathrow Airport to Amsterdam Schiphol
Airport on 24 February 2008, with one engine burning a combination of coconut oil
and babassu oil.[41]
chief scientist Doug Parr said that the flight was
"high-altitude greenwash" and that producing organic oils to make biofuel could
lead to deforestation and a large increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Also,
the majority of the world's aircraft are not large jetliners but smaller piston
aircraft, and with major modifications many are capable of using ethanol as a
Another consideration is the vast amount of land that would be necessary to
provide the biomass feedstock needed to support the needs of aviation, both
civil and military.
In December 2008, an Air
New Zealand jet completed the world's first commercial aviation test flight
partially using jatropha-based
fuel. Jatropha, used for biodiesel, can thrive on marginal agricultural land
where many trees and crops won't grow, or would produce only slow growth
yields. Air New Zealand set several general sustainability criteria for its
Jatropha, saying that such biofuels must not compete with food resources, that
they must be as good as traditional jet fuels, and that they should be cost
competitive with existing fuels.
In January 2009, Continental Airlines used a sustainable
biofuel to power a commercial aircraft for the first time in North America.
This marks the first sustainable biofuel demonstration flight by a commercial
carrier using a twin-engined aircraft, a Boeing 737-800, powered by CFM
International CFM56-7B engines. The biofuel blend included components derived
from algae and jatropha plants.
One fuel biofuel alternative to avgas that is under
development is Swift Fuel. Swift fuel was approved as a test fuel by ASTM International in December 2009, allowing
the company to continue their research and to pursue certification testing.
Mary Rusek, president and co-owner of Swift Enterprises predicted at that time
that "100SF will be comparably priced, environmentally friendlier and more
fuel-efficient than other general aviation fuels on the market".
As of June 2011, revised international aviation fuel
standards officially allow commercial airlines to blend conventional jet fuel
with up to 50 percent biofuels. The renewable fuels "can be blended with
conventional commercial and military jet fuel through requirements in the newly
issued edition of ASTM D7566, Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel
Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons".
In December 2011, the FAA announced it is awarding $7.7
million to eight companies to advance the development of drop-in commercial
aviation biofuels, with a special focus on ATJ (alcohol to jet) fuel. As part
of its CAAFI (Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuel Initiative) and CLEEN
(Continuous Lower Emissions, Energy and Noise) programs, the FAA plans to
assist in the development of a sustainable fuel (from alcohols, sugars,
biomass, and organic matter such as pyrolysis oils) that can be "dropped
in" to aircraft without changing current infrastructure. The grant will
also be used to research how the fuels affect engine durability and quality
control standards.
Reducing air travel
"Aviation has been growing faster than any other source
of greenhouse gases. Between 1990 and 2004, the number of people using airports
in the UK rose by 120%, and the energy the planes consumed increased by 79%.
Their carbon dioxide emissions almost doubled in that period - from 20.1 to
39.5 megatonnes, or 5.5% of all the emissions this country produces. Unless
something is done to stop this growth, flying will soon overwhelm all the cuts
we manage to make elsewhere. But the measures the government proposes are
Thought on how to grapple with this unsustainable growth,
and even to reduce air travel from its present level in order to avoid dangerous climate change,
seems to be most prominent in the UK. Although the specifics differ globally,
this work in the UK is likely to be widely applicable.
Personal choices and social pressure
The German video short The Bill explores how travel
and its impacts are commonly viewed in everyday developed-world life, and the
social pressures that are at play. Using the concept of "love miles"
George Monbiot also delved into this topic in his above 2006 column:
"When it comes to flying, there seems to be no
connection between intention and action. This is partly because the people who
are most concerned about the inhabitants of other countries are often those who
have traveled widely. ... When you form relationships with people from other
nations, you accumulate what I call "love miles": the distance you
must travel to visit friends and partners and relatives on the other side of
the planet. If your sister-in-law is getting married in Buenos Aires, it is
both immoral to travel there, because of climate change, and immoral not to,
because of the offence it causes. ... Who could be surprised to discover that
"ethical" people are in denial about the impacts of flying?"
British writer George Marshall has investigated common
rationalizations that act as barriers to making personal choices to travel
less, or to justify recent trips. In an informal research project, "one
you are welcome to join," he says, he deliberately steered conversations
with people who are attuned to climate change problems to questions about
recent long-distance flights and why the travel was justified. Reflecting on
actions contrary to their beliefs, he noted, "(i)ntriguing as their
dissonance may be, what is especially revealing is that every one of these
people has a career that is predicated on the assumption that information is
sufficient to generate change -- an assumption that a moment’s introspection
would show them was deeply flawed."
Business and professional choices
"With most international conferences having hundreds if
not thousands of participants, and the bulk of these usually traveling by
plane, conference travel is an area where significant reductions in
air-travel-related GHG emissions could be made. ... This does not mean
non-attendance." (Reay, 2004) For example, by 2003 Access Grid
technology has already been successfully used to host several international
conferences, and technology has likely progressed substantially since then.
Ending incentives to fly—frequent flyer programs
Over 130 airlines have "frequent flyer programs" based at
least in part on miles, kilometers, points or segments for flights taken.
Globally, such programs included about 163 million people as reported in 2006.
These programs benefit airlines by habituating people to air travel and,
through the mechanics of partnerships with credit card companies and other
businesses, in which high profit margin revenue streams can amount to selling
free seats for a high price. The only part of United
Airlines business that was making money when the company filed for
bankruptcy in 2002 was its frequent flyer program.
Concerning business travel, "The ease of international
air travel and the fact that, for most of us, the costs are met by our
employers, means that ... globe trotting conference travel is often regarded as
a perk of the job." However, the perk usually is not only the business
trip itself, but also the frequent flyer points which the individual accrues by
taking the trip, and which can be redeemed later for personal air travel. Thus
a conflict of interest is established, whereby
bottom-up pressure may be created within a firm or government agency for travel
that is really not necessary. Even when such conflict is not a motivation, the
perk of frequent flyer miles can be expected to lead in many cases to personal
trips that would not be taken if a ticket had to be paid for with personal
By just using an airline-sponsored credit card to pay one's
household expenses, personal or business bills, or even expense bills charged
to an employer, frequent flyer points can be racked up quickly. Thus, free
travel—for which the individual has to pay nothing extra—becomes a reality.
Across society, this too can be expected to lead to much air travel—and
greenhouse gas emissions—that otherwise would not occur.
Several studies have contemplated the elimination of
frequent flyer programmes (FFPs), on the grounds of anti-competitiveness,
ethics, conflict with society's overall well-being, or climate effects. There
is a record of governments disallowing or banning FFPs and of industry players
requesting bans. Denmark did not allow the programs until 1992, then changing
its policy because its airlines were disadvantaged. In 2002, Norway banned
domestic FFPs in order to promote competition among its airlines. In the U.S.
in 1989, a vice president of Braniff "said the government should consider
ordering an end to frequent-flyer programs, which he said allow unfair
A Canadian study said that because of competition no airline
could unilaterally end its FFP, but that a national government could use its
regulatory power to end the programs broadly, which in Canada's case would also
require North America-wide cooperation. In further analysis, a Scandinavian
study which recommended an end to frequent flyer plans said, "the only
possible way of prohibiting FFPs successfully now that they have spread from
the US to Europe to the Far East would be to do so on a global basis. The basis
exists: it could be done by the World Trade Organization." A recent study
which surveyed frequent flyers in the U.K. and Norway, looked into behavioral
addition to frequent flying and the "flyer's dilemma" of the conflict
between "the social and personal benefits of flying and air travel's
impact on climate change." It concluded that:
"Continued growth in both frequent flying practices and
concern over air travel's climate impacts are in a dynamic relationship and the
question of whether one or the other will reach a tipping point cannot yet be determined.
Self-regulation, external regulation, social norms, technology and physical
resources will continue to co-constitute the balance. An increasing
stigmatisation of 'excessive' air travel may (re)frame flying as more open to
collective external mitigation," meaning government action.
Potential for governmental constraints on demand
One means for reducing the environmental impact of aviation
is to constrain demand for air travel, through increased fares in place of
expanded airport capacity. Several studies have explored this:
- The UK study Predict and Decide - Aviation, climate change and UK policy, notes that a 10% increase in fares generates a 5% to 15% reduction in demand, and recommends that the British government should manage demand rather than provide for it. This would be accomplished via a strategy that presumes "… against the expansion of UK airport capacity" and constrains demand by the use of economic instruments to price air travel less attractively.
- A study published by the campaign group Aviation Environment Federation (AEF) concludes that by levying £9 billion of additional taxes, the annual rate of growth in demand in the UK for air travel would be reduced to 2%.
- The ninth report of the House of Commons Environmental Audit Select Committee, published in July 2006, recommends that the British government rethinks its airport expansion policy and considers ways, particularly via increased taxation, in which future demand can be managed in line with industry performance in achieving fuel efficiencies, so that emissions are not allowed to increase in absolute terms.
- In his conclusion, after considering alternative fuels, better efficiency not expanding air fields and terminals, etc., Monbiot wrote:
"In common with all other sectors, aviation's contribution
to global warming must be reduced in the UK by some 87% if we are to avoid a 2C
rise in global temperatures. Given that the likely possible efficiencies are
small and tend to counteract each other, an 87% cut in emissions requires not
only that growth stops, but that most of the aeroplanes flying today be
grounded. I realise that this is not a popular message, but it is hard to see
how a different conclusion could be extracted from the available
evidence." After listing some current privileges this means doing without,
he concluded: "But I urge you to remember that these privations affect
only a tiny proportion of the world's people. The reason they seem so harsh is
that this tiny proportion almost certainly includes you."
Kyoto Protocol
Greenhouse gas emissions from fuel consumption in
international aviation, in contrast to those from domestic aviation and from
energy use by airports, are not assigned under the first round of the Kyoto
Protocol, neither are the non-CO2 climate effects. In place of
agreement, Governments agreed to work through the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) to limit or reduce emissions and to find a solution to
the allocation of emissions from international aviation in time for the second
round of Kyoto in 2009 in Copenhagen; however, that conference failed reach an
agreement on these emissions.
Emissions trading
As part of that process the ICAO has endorsed the adoption
of an open emissions trading system to meet CO2
emissions reduction objectives. Guidelines for the adoption and implementation
of a global scheme are currently being developed, and will be presented to the
ICAO Assembly in 2007, although the prospects of a comprehensive
inter-governmental agreement on the adoption of such a scheme are uncertain.
Within the European
Union, however, the European Commission has resolved to incorporate
aviation in the European Union Emissions
Trading Scheme (ETS). A new directive was adopted by the European Parliament
in July 2008 and approved by the Council in October 2008. It became effective
on 1 January 2012.
Researchers at the Overseas Development Institute
investigated the possible effects on Small Island Developing States
(SIDS) of the European Union's decision to limit the supply of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)
to its ETS market to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) from
2013. Most SIDS are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate
change and rely heavily on tourism as a basis for their economies, so this decision
could place them at some disadvantage. The researchers therefore highlight the
need to ensure that any regulatory frameworks put in place to tackle climate
change take into account the development needs of the most vulnerable countries
A report published by researchers at the Centre for Aviation,
Transport and the Environment at Manchester Metropolitan University
found that the only way to have a significant impact on emissions was to put a
price on carbon and to use a market-based measure (MBM), such as the EU
Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Increased fuel
efficiency, the use of aviation
biofuels and route optimisation reduces the impact of aviation on
greenhouse gas emissions.
Aircraft noise is seen by advocacy groups as being very hard
to get attention and action on. The fundamental issues are increased traffic at
larger airports and airport expansion at smaller and regional airports.
Air quality
Radiation exposure
Flying 12 kilometres (39,000 ft) high, passengers and
crews of jet airliners are exposed to at least 10 times the cosmic ray dose that people at sea level
receive. Several times a decade, a geomagnetic
storm permits a solar proton event to penetrate down to jetliner
altitudes. Aircraft flying polar routes near the geomagnetic
poles are at particular risk.
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