Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by a low fallow ratio and the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers relative to land area.
This is in contrast to many sorts of traditional agriculture in which the inputs per unit land are lower. With intensification, energy use typically goes up, initially provided by humans, then supplemented with animals, and supplemented or replaced with machines.
Intensive animal farming practices can involve very large numbers of animals raised on limited land which require large amounts of food, water and medical inputs (required to keep the animals healthy in cramped conditions). Very large or confined indoor intensive livestock operations (particularly descriptive of common US farming practices) are often referred to as factory farming and are criticised by opponents for the low level of animal welfare standards and associated pollution and health issues.
Modern-day forms of intensive crop based agriculture involve the use of mechanical ploughing, plastic mulches, chemical fertilizers, plant growth regulators or pesticides. It is associated with the increasing use of agricultural mechanization, which has enabled a substantial increase in production, yet has also dramatically increased environmental pollution by increasing erosion and poisoning water with agricultural chemicals.
The methods of modern intensive farming include innovation in agricultural machinery and farming methods, genetic technology, techniques for achieving economies of scale in production, the creation of new markets for consumption, the application of patent protection to genetic information, and global trade. These methods are widespread in developed nations and increasingly prevalent worldwide. Most of the meat, dairy, eggs, fruits, and vegetables available in supermarkets are produced using these methods of industrial agriculture.
development and future prospects
Industrial agriculture arose hand in
hand with the Industrial Revolution in general and continued earlier developments. By the early
19th century, agricultural techniques, implements, seed stocks and cultivars
had so improved that yield per land unit was many times that seen in the Middle
The development of agriculture into its modern form has been possible through a
continuing process of mechanization, with huge advances made starting in the early 19th
century. Horse drawn machinery, such as the McCormick reaper,
revolutionized harvesting, while inventions such as the cotton gin
made possible the processing of large amounts of crops. During this same
period, farmers began to use steam-powered
threshers and tractors, although they were found to be expensive, dangerous and a
fire hazard. In 1892, the first gasoline-powered
tractor was successfully developed, and in 1923, the International Harvester Farmall tractor became the first all-purpose tractor, and marked a
major point in the replacement of draft animals (particularly horses) with
machines. Since that time, self-propelled mechanical harvesters (combines),
planters, transplanters and other equipment have been developed, further
revolutionizing agriculture.
These inventions allowed farming tasks to be done with a speed and on a scale
previously impossible, leading modern farms to output much greater volumes of
high-quality produce per land unit.
The identification of nitrogen, potassium,
and phosphorus
(referred to by the acronym NPK) as critical factors in plant growth led to the
manufacture of synthetic fertilizers,
making possible more intensive types of agriculture. In 1909 the Haber-Bosch
method to synthesize ammonium nitrate
was first demonstrated; it represented a major breakthrough and allowed crop yields
to overcome previous constraints. In the years after World War II,
the use of synthetic fertilizer increased rapidly, in sync with the increasing
world population.
In the past century agriculture has been characterized by increased
productivity, the substitution of on-the-farm labor with, synthetic
fertilizers, pesticides and their production and related pollution. The discovery of vitamins and their
role in animal nutrition, in the first two decades of the 20th century, led to
vitamin supplements, which in the 1920s allowed certain livestock to be raised
indoors, reducing their exposure to adverse natural elements. The discovery of antibiotics
and vaccines
facilitated raising livestock in concentrated
animal feeding operations by
reducing diseases caused by crowding. Chemicals developed for use in World War II
gave rise to synthetic pesticides. Developments in shipping networks and technology have made
long-distance distribution of agricultural produce feasible.
The cereals rice, corn, and wheat
provide 60% of human food supply.
Between 1700 and 1980, "the total area of cultivated land worldwide
increased 466%" and yields increased dramatically, particularly because of
selectively bred high-yielding varieties, fertilizers, pesticides,
irrigation, and machinery.
Agricultural production across the world doubled four times between 1820 and
1975 (it doubled between 1820 and 1920; between 1920 and 1950; between 1950 and
1965; and again between 1965 and 1975) to feed a global population of one
billion human beings in 1800 and 6.5 billion in 2002. During the same period, the number of people involved in
farming dropped in industrial countries as the process became more automated.
In the 1930s, 24 percent of the American population worked in agriculture
compared to 1.5 percent in 2002; in 1940, each farm worker supplied 11
consumers, whereas in 2002, each worker supplied 90 consumers. The number of farms has also decreased, and their ownership
is more concentrated. In the U.S., four companies produce 81 percent of cows,
73 percent of sheep, 57 percent of pigs, and produce 50 percent of chickens,
cited as an example of "vertical integration" by the president of the U.S. National Farmers' Union.
In 1967, there were one million pig farms in America; as of 2002, there were
114,000 with 80 million pigs (out of 95 million) produced each year
on factory farms, according to the U.S. National Pork Producers Council. According to the Worldwatch Institute, 74 percent of the world's poultry, 43 percent of beef, and
68 percent of eggs are produced this way.
However, concerns have been raised
over the sustainability of intensive agriculture, which has become associated with decreased
soil quality
in India and Asia, and there has been increased concern over external
environmental effects of fertilizers and pesticides on the environment,
particularly as population increases and food demand expands. Additionally, the
typically used in intensive agriculture increase the number of pests, which are
controlled through pesticides. Integrated
pest management (IPM), which "has been
promoted for decades and has had some notable successes" has not
significantly affected the use of pesticides because policies encourage the use
of pesticides and IPM is knowledge-intensive.These concerns have resulted in the organic movement.
Famines continued to sweep the globe
through the 20th century. Through the effects of climactic events, government
policy, war and crop failure, millions of people died in each of at least ten
famines between the 1920s and the 1990s.
In the 21st century, plants have
been used to grow biofuels, pharmaceuticals
(including biopharmaceuticals),
and bioplastics.
agricultural revolution
The British agricultural revolution
describes a period of agricultural development in Britain between the 16th
century and the mid-19th century, which saw a massive increase in agricultural
productivity and net output. This in turn supported unprecedented population
growth, freeing up a significant percentage of the workforce, and thereby
helped drive the Industrial Revolution. How this came about is not entirely clear. In recent
decades, historians cited four key changes in agricultural practices, enclosure,
mechanization, four-field
crop rotation, and selective breeding, and gave credit to a relatively few individuals.
and technologies
livestock farming
In general Intensive production
systems is to provide the modern production elements to get the higher
production rates at the lowest possible cost and with the least possible
Intensive livestock farming, also
called "factory farming" is a term referring to the process of
raising livestock in confinement at high stocking density, where a farm
operates as a factory — a practice typical in industrial
farming by agribusinesses.
animal feeding operations" or
"intensive livestock operations", can hold large numbers (some up to
hundreds of thousands) of animals, often indoors. These animals are typically
cows, hogs, turkeys, or chickens. The distinctive characteristics of such farms
is the concentration of livestock in a given space. The aim of the operation is
to produce as much meat, eggs, or milk at the lowest possible cost and with the
greatest level of food safety.
The term is often used in a pejorative sense, criticising large scale farming
processes which confine animals.
Food and water is supplied in place,
and artificial methods are often employed to maintain animal health and improve
production, such as therapeutic use of antimicrobial agents, vitamin
supplements and growth hormones. Growth hormones are not used in chicken meat
production nor are they used in the European Union
for any animal. In meat production, methods are also sometimes employed to
control undesirable behaviours often related to stresses of being confined in
restricted areas with other animals. More docile breeds are sought (with
natural dominant behaviours bred out for example), physical restraints to stop
interaction, such as individual cages for chickens, or animals physically
modified, such as the de-beaking of chickens to reduce the harm of fighting.
Weight gain is encouraged by the provision of plentiful supplies of food to
animals breed for weight gain.
The designation "confined
animal feeding operation" in the U.S. resulted from that country's 1972
Federal Clean Water Act, which was enacted to protect and restore lakes and
rivers to a "fishable, swimmable" quality. Certain animal feeding
operations, along with many other types of industry, as point source polluters
of groundwater were identified. These operations were designated as CAFOs and
subject to special anti-pollution regulation.
In 17 states in the U.S., isolated
cases of groundwater
contamination has been linked to CAFOs.
For example, the ten million hogs in North Carolina generate 19 million tons of
waste per year.
The U.S. federal government acknowledges the waste disposal
issue and requires that animal waste
be stored in lagoons. These lagoons can be as large as 7.5 acres (30,000 m2).
Lagoons not protected with an impermeable liner can leak waste into groundwater
under some conditions, as can runoff from manure spread back onto fields as
fertilizer in the case of an unforeseen heavy rainfall. A lagoon that burst in
1995 released 25 million gallons of nitrous sludge in North Carolina's New
River. The spill allegedly killed eight to ten million fish.
The large concentration of animals,
animal waste, and dead animals in a small space poses ethical issues to some
consumers. Animal rights and animal welfare
activists have charged that intensive animal rearing is cruel to animals. As
they become more common, so do concerns about air pollution
and ground water contamination, and the effects on human health of the
pollution and the use of antibiotics and growth hormones.
According to the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), farms on which animals are intensively reared can cause adverse health
reactions in farm workers. Workers may develop acute and chronic lung disease,
musculoskeletal injuries, and may catch infections that transmit from animals
to human beings. These type of transmissions, however, and extremely rare, as
zoonotic diseases are uncommon.
intensive grazing
Managed Intensive Rotational Grazing (MIRG), also known as cell grazing, mob grazing and holistic managed planned grazing, is a variety of systems of forage use in which ruminant and
non-ruminant herds and/or flocks are regularly and systematically moved to
fresh rested areas with the intent to maximize the quality and quantity of forage growth. MIRG can be used with cattle, sheep, goats, pigs,
chickens, turkeys, ducks and other animals. The herds graze one portion of
pasture, or a paddock, while allowing the others to recover. The length of time
a paddock is grazed will depend on the size of the herd and the size of the paddock. Resting grazed lands allows the vegetation to renew energy
reserves, rebuild shoot systems, and deepen root systems, with the result being
long-term maximum biomass production.
MIRG is especially effective because grazers do better on the more tender
younger plant stems. MIRG also leave parasites behind to die off minimizing or
eliminating the need for de-wormers. Pasture systems alone can allow grazers to
meet their energy requirements, and with the increased productivity of MIRG
systems, the grazers obtain the majority of their nutritional needs without the
supplemental feed sources that are required in continuous grazing systems.
crop farming
The projects within the Green Revolution
spread technologies that had already existed, but had not been widely used
outside of industrialized nations. These technologies included pesticides, irrigation
projects, and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer.
The novel technological development
of the Green Revolution was the production of what some referred to as “miracle
Scientists created strains of maize, wheat, and rice that are generally referred to as HYVs or “high-yielding
varieties.” HYVs have an increased
nitrogen-absorbing potential compared to other varieties. Since cereals that
absorbed extra nitrogen would typically lodge, or fall over before harvest,
semi-dwarfing genes were bred into their genomes. Norin 10 wheat,
a variety developed by Orville Vogel
from Japanese dwarf wheat varieties, was instrumental in developing Green
Revolution wheat cultivars. IR8, the first widely implemented HYV rice to be
developed by the International
Rice Research Institute, was
created through a cross between an Indonesian variety named “Peta” and a
Chinese variety named “Dee Geo Woo Gen.”
With the availability of molecular
genetics in Arabidopsis and rice the mutant genes responsible (reduced
height(rht), gibberellin insensitive (gai1) and slender rice
(slr1)) have been cloned and identified as cellular signalling components
of gibberellic acid, a phytohormone involved in regulating stem growth via its
effect on cell division. Stem growth in the mutant background is significantly
reduced leading to the dwarf phenotype. Photosynthetic investment in the stem
is reduced dramatically as the shorter plants are inherently more stable
mechanically. Assimilates become redirected to grain production, amplifying in
particular the effect of chemical fertilisers on commercial yield.
HYVs significantly outperform
traditional varieties in the presence of adequate irrigation, pesticides, and
fertilizers. In the absence of these inputs, traditional varieties may
outperform HYVs. One criticism of HYVs is that they were developed as F1 hybrids,
meaning they need to be purchased by a farmer every season rather than saved from
previous seasons, thus increasing a farmer’s cost of production.
Satellite image of circular crop
fields in Haskell County, Kansas in late June 2001. Healthy, growing crops of corn and sorghum are green (Sorghum may be slightly paler). Wheat is brilliant gold. Fields of brown have been recently
harvested and plowed under or have lain in fallow for the year.
Crop rotation or crop sequencing is
the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons for various
benefits such as to avoid the buildup of pathogens
and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped. Crop
rotation also seeks to balance the fertility demands of various crops to avoid
excessive depletion of soil nutrients. A traditional component of crop rotation
is the replenishment of nitrogen through the use of green manure
in sequence with cereals and other crops. It is one component of polyculture.
Crop rotation can also improve soil structure
and fertility by alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants.
Crop irrigation
accounts for 70% of the world's fresh water use.
The agricultural sector of most countries is important both economically and
politically, and water subsidies are common. Conservation advocates have urged
removal of all subsidies to force farmers to grow more water-efficient crops
and adopt less wasteful irrigation techniques. Some farming techniques such as dryland farming
use no irrigation.
Optimal water efficiency means
minimizing losses due to evaporation, runoff or subsurface drainage. An evaporation pan
can be used to determine how much water is required to irrigate the land. Flood irrigation, the oldest and most common type, is often very uneven in
distribution, as parts of a field may receive excess water in order to deliver
sufficient quantities to other parts. Overhead irrigation, using center-pivot or lateral-moving sprinklers, gives a
much more equal and controlled distribution pattern. Drip irrigation
is the most expensive and least-used type, but offers the best results in
delivering water to plant roots with minimal losses.
As changing irrigation systems can
be a costly undertaking, conservation efforts often concentrate on maximizing
the efficiency of the existing system. This may include chiseling compacted
soils, creating furrow dikes to prevent runoff, and using soil moisture and
rainfall sensors to optimize irrigation schedules.
Water catchment management measures include recharge
pits, which capture rainwater and runoff
and use it to recharge ground water supplies. This helps in the formation of
ground water wells, etc. and eventually reduces soil erosion caused due to running
In agriculture, large scale and
systematic weeding is usually required, often performed by machines such as
cultivators or liquid herbicide sprayers. Selective herbicides kill specific
targets while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed. Some of these act
by interfering with the growth of the weed and are often based on plant hormones. Weed control
through herbicide is made more difficult when the weeds become resistant to
the herbicide. Solutions include:
- Using cover crops (especially those with allelopathic properties) that out-compete weeds or inhibit their regeneration.
- Using a different herbicide
- Using a different crop (e.g. genetically altered to be herbicide resistant; which ironically can create herbicide resistant weeds through horizontal gene transfer)
- Using a different variety (e.g. locally adapted variety that resists, tolerates, or even out-competes weeds)
- Ploughing
- Ground cover such as mulch or plastic
- Manual removal
In agriculture,
a terrace is a leveled section of a hilly cultivated area, designed as a method of soil conservation
to slow or prevent the rapid surface runoff
of irrigation
water. Often such land is formed into multiple terraces, giving a stepped
appearance. The human landscapes of rice cultivation in terraces that follow the natural contours of
the escarpments like contour ploughing
is a classic feature of the island of Bali and the Banaue Rice Terraces in Benguet, Philippines. In Peru, the Inca made use
of otherwise unusable slopes by drystone walling
to create terraces.
A paddy field is a flooded
parcel of arable land used for growing rice and other semiaquatic crops.
Paddy fields are a typical feature of rice-growing countries of east and southeast Asia
including Malaysia, China, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, India, and the Philippines.
They are also found in other rice-growing regions such as Piedmont (Italy),
the Camargue (France)
and the Artibonite Valley (Haiti). They can occur naturally along rivers or marshes, or can be constructed, even on hillsides, often with much labour and
materials. They require large quantities of water for irrigation,
which can be quite complex for a highly developed system of paddy fields.
Flooding provides water essential to the growth of the crop. It also gives an
environment favourable to the strain of rice being grown, and is hostile to
many species of weeds. As the only draft animal
species which isn't wetlands, the water buffalo
is in widespread use in Asian rice paddies. World methane production due to
rice paddies has been estimated in the range of 50 to 100 million tonnes per
Paddy-based rice-farming has been
practiced Korea since ancient times. A pit-house at the Daecheon-ni site
yielded carbonized rice grains and radiocarbon dates indicating that rice
cultivation may have begun as early as the Middle Jeulmun Pottery Period (c. 3500-2000 BC) in the Korean Peninsula
(Crawford and Lee 2003). The earliest rice cultivation in the Korean Peninsula
may have used dry-fields instead of paddies.
The earliest Mumun features were
usually located in low-lying narrow gulleys that were naturally swampy and fed
by the local stream system. Some Mumun paddies in flat areas were made of a
series of squares and rectangles separated by bunds approximately 10 cm in
height, while terraced paddies consisted of long irregularly shapes that
followed natural contours of the land at various levels (Bale 2001; Kwak 2001).
Mumun Period rice farmers used all of
the elements that are present in today's paddies such terracing, bunds, canals,
and small reservoirs. Some paddy-farming techniques of the Middle Mumun (c.
850-550 BC) can be interpreted from the well-preserved wooden tools excavated
from archaeological rice paddies at the Majeon-ni Site. However, iron tools for paddy-farming were not introduced until sometime
after 200 BC. The spatial scale of individual paddies, and thus entire
paddy-fields, increased with the regular use of iron tools in
the Three Kingdoms of Korea Period (c. AD 300/400-668).
Aquaculture is the cultivation of
the natural produce of water (fish, shellfish, algae, seaweed and other aquatic organisms). Intensive Aquaculture can
often involve tanks or other highly controlled systems which are designed to
boost production for the available volume or area of water resource.
intensive farming
The idea and practice of sustainable agriculture has arisen in response to the problems of modern intensive
agriculture. Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals: environmental stewardship, farm profitability, and prosperous farming communities.
These goals have been defined by a variety of disciplines and may be looked at from the vantage point of the farmer or the consumer.
Multi-Trophic Aquaculture is an
example of this holistic approach. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA)
is a practice in which the by-products (wastes) from one species are recycled
to become inputs (fertilizers, food) for another. Fed aquaculture
(e.g. fish, shrimp) is combined with inorganic extractive (e.g. seaweed) and organic
extractive (e.g. shellfish) aquaculture to create balanced systems for environmental
sustainability (biomitigation), economic stability (product diversification and
risk reduction) and social acceptability (better management practices).
Biointensive agriculture focuses on maximizing efficiency:
yield per unit area, yield per energy input, yield per water input, etc. Agroforestry
combines agriculture and orchard/forestry technologies to create more
integrated, diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land-use
systems. Intercropping can also increase total yields per unit of area or reduce
inputs to achieve the same, and thus represents (potentially sustainable)
agricultural intensification. Unfortunately, yields of any specific crop often
diminish and the change can present new challenges to farmers relying on modern
farming equipment which is best suited to monoculture.
Vertical farming, a type of intensive crop production that would grow food
on a large scale in urban centers, has been proposed as a way to reduce the
negative environmental impact of traditional rural agriculture.
An integrated farming system is a
progressive biologically integrated sustainable agriculture system such as Integrated
Multi-Trophic Aquaculture or Zero waste agriculture whose implementation requires exacting knowledge of the
interactions of numerous species and whose benefits include sustainability and
increased profitability.
Elements of this integration can
- Intentionally introducing flowering plants into agricultural ecosystems to increase pollen-and nectar-resources required by natural enemies of insect pests
- Using crop rotation and cover crops to suppress nematodes in potatoes
Organic farming methods combine some
aspects of scientific knowledge and highly limited modern technology
with traditional farming practices; accepting some of the methods of industrial
agriculture while rejecting others. Organic methods rely on naturally occurring
biological processes, which often take place over extended periods of time, and
a holistic approach;
while chemical-based farming focuses on immediate, isolated effects and reductionist
and issues
The challenges and issues of
industrial agriculture for global and local society, for the industrial
agriculture sector, for the individual industrial agriculture farm, and for animal rights
include the costs and benefits of both current practices and proposed changes
to those practices.
This is a continuation of thousands of years of the invention and use of
technologies in feeding ever growing populations.
[W]hen hunter-gatherers with growing
populations depleted the stocks of game and wild foods across the Near East,
they were forced to introduce agriculture. But agriculture brought much longer
hours of work and a less rich diet than hunter-gatherers enjoyed. Further
population growth among shifting slash-and-burn farmers led to shorter fallow
periods, falling yields and soil erosion. Plowing and fertilizers were
introduced to deal with these problems - but once again involved longer hours
of work and degradation of soil resources(Boserup, The Conditions of
Agricultural Growth, Allen and Unwin, 1965, expanded and updated in Population
and Technology, Blackwell, 1980.).
While the point of industrial
agriculture is lower cost products to create greater productivity thus a higher
standard of living as measured by available goods and services, industrial
methods have side effects both good and bad. Further, industrial agriculture is
not some single indivisible thing, but instead is composed of numerous separate
elements, each of which can be modified, and in fact is modified in response to
market conditions, government regulation, and scientific advances. So the
question then becomes for each specific element that goes into an industrial
agriculture method or technique or process: What bad side effects are bad
enough that the financial gain and good side effects are outweighed? Different
interest groups not only reach different conclusions on this, but also
recommend differing solutions, which then become factors in changing both
market conditions and government regulations.
Very roughly:
- 30,000 years ago hunter-gatherer behavior fed 6 million people
- 3,000 years ago primitive agriculture fed 60 million people
- 300 years ago intensive agriculture fed 600 million people
- Today industrial agriculture attempts to feed 6 billion people
world population at various dates, in thousands
310 000
791 000
106 000
502 000
163 000
16 000
2 000
2 000
978 000
107 000
635 000
203 000
24 000
7 000
2 000
1 262 000
111 000
809 000
276 000
38 000
26 000
2 000
1 650 000
133 000
947 000
408 000
74 000
82 000
6 000
2 518 629
221 214
1 398 488
547 403
167 097
171 616
12 812
2 755 823
246 746
1 541 947
575 184
190 797
186 884
14 265
2 981 659
277 398
1 674 336
601 401
209 303
204 152
15 888
3 334 874
313 744
1 899 424
634 026
250 452
219 570
17 657
3 692 492
357 283
2 143 118
655 855
284 856
231 937
19 443
4 068 109
408 160
2 397 512
675 542
321 906
243 425
21 564
4 434 682
469 618
2 632 335
692 431
361 401
256 068
22 828
4 830 979
541 814
2 887 552
706 009
401 469
269 456
24 678
5 263 593
622 443
3 167 807
721 582
441 525
283 549
26 687
5 674 380
707 462
3 430 052
727 405
481 099
299 438
28 924
6 070 581
795 671
3 679 737
727 986
520 229
315 915
31 043
6 453 628
887 964
3 917 508
724 722
558 281
332 156
32 998**
An example of industrial agriculture
providing cheap and plentiful food is the U.S.'s "most successful program
of agricultural development of any country in the world". Between 1930 and
2000 U.S. agricultural productivity (output divided by all inputs) rose by an
average of about 2 percent annually causing food prices paid by consumers to
decrease. "The percentage of U.S. disposable income spent on food prepared
at home decreased, from 22 percent as late as 1950 to 7 percent by the end of
the century."
Economic liabilities for industrial
agriculture include the dependence on finite non-renewable fossil fuel
energy resources, as an input in farm mechanization (equipment, machinery), for
food processing and transportation, and as an input in agricultural chemicals.
A future increase in energy prices as projected by the International
Energy Agency is therefore expected to result in
increase in food prices; and there is therefore a need to 'de-couple'
non-renewable energy usage from agricultural production.
Other liabilities include peak
phosphate as finite phosphate reserves are
currently a key input into chemical fertilizer for industrial agriculture.
Industrial agriculture uses huge
amounts of water, energy,
and industrial chemicals; increasing pollution
in the arable land, usable water
and atmosphere. Herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and animal waste products are accumulating in ground and surface waters.
"Many of the negative effects of industrial agriculture are remote from
fields and farms. Nitrogen compounds from the Midwest, for example, travel down
the Mississippi to degrade coastal fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. But other
adverse effects are showing up within agricultural production systems -- for
example, the rapidly developing resistance among pests is rendering our arsenal
of herbicides and insecticides increasingly ineffective.".
Chemicals used in industrial agriculture, as well as the practice of
monoculture, have also been implicated in Colony
Collapse Disorder which has led to a collapse in bee
populations. Agricultural production is highly dependent on bee pollination
to pollinate many varieties of plants, fruits and vegetables.
A study done for the US. Office of
Technology Assessment conducted by the UC Davis Macrosocial Accounting Project
concluded that industrial agriculture is associated with substantial
deterioration of human living conditions in nearby rural communities.
Future increase in food commodity
prices, driven by the energy price rises under peak oil and
dependency of industrial agriculture on fossil fuels is expected to lead to
increase in food prices which has particular impacts on poor people.
An example of this can be seen in the 2007-2008
world food price crisis. Food
price increases have a disproportionate impact on the poor as they spend a large
proportion of their income on food.
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